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Suicide Research

IOM Report 2002 - A Report by NOPCAS

Native Americans Have the Highest Rate of Suicide Among Minorities That Range From - 11-14 per 100,000. Asian-Pacific Islanders, African-Americans and Hispanics Have Rates at Approximately Half - 6.14-6.53 per 100,000

Black Suicide
Young black male suicide rates began rising from 1980 to 1995 and peaked in 1993 and 1994, but have decreased somewhat back to the 1990 levels, leaving the substantial increase during that time in question. African-American female rates of suicide are 2 per 100,000, the lowest rate of suicide among minority groups and other populations.

Native American Suicide
Native American male suicide rates between the ages of 5-14 are three times higher than males within the same age range of any other group; and between the ages of 15-34 are two times higher than males of any group within the same age range. Currently, Native American male rates peak at 67 per 100,000 in the 25-34 age group. Native American female rates ranging in age 5-34, have suicide rates that are 2.22 to 3.6 times higher than females in the general population.

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